
Honest Ads: If Jobs Were Honest

JC112/26/2022 12:22:10 pm PST

re: #26 darthstar

So am I supposed to accept the Witcher as my personal lord and savior or not? These documentaries are so confusing.

Part of the reason that fandom is so upset is that the show runner was promising since day one to be faithful to the books and the lore. The first season deviated in a few areas, but was still a fairly accurate adaptation of the books. The second season was a fun fantasy romp, but bore little resemblance to the books aside from 2 or 3 episodes, and changed some things very significantly. Haven’t seen Blood Origins yet, so can’t comment.

Additionally, a former writer from the show was giving an interview recently on an unrelated topic, and made a comment about adaptations in general, that writers should be familiar with and respect the source material. He followed that up by saying that several writers on the Witcher were actively hostile to, and mocking the source material.

Yes, it’s fiction. But these books have been around since the 90s, and the computer games since 2007. They have a huge devoted fanbase.

The show runner could have chosen to do a show inspired by The Witcher books, or located in the Witcher universe, and that would have been fine. But she stated that she wanted to do a faithful adaptation.

This is sort of like a show runner saying seriously and repeatedly that they wanted to do an Abraham Lincoln historical documentary, and then releasing Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter.