
Fantastic Four #52, July 1966: Introducing the Black Panther

The Spite House7/30/2010 6:25:45 pm PDT

re: #41 Stonemason

he was on the Beeb earlier claiming that the US DOD had no right to say he was going to have blood on his hands because we had the blood of 20,000 civilians on ours…really, and of course the interviewer didn’t do any serious follow up.
This guy is bad news, real bad. I wonder if all those over at KOS and DU who were crowing over the leaks are concerned for those named…

There are many dissenting voices on Kos. You’re not being unfair to point out there is support, but I’d hardly say the site is united in condoning this activity. In a diary titled “Free PFC Mannning” you’ll find plenty of comments to the effect of:

Manning is not a “true patriot.” He is an asshole that released documents of dubious value but included names of people — human beings — who are now at grave risk. If any one of them are murdered — he is responsible. You and Jessalyn Raddick who defend every single solitary “whistleblower” make me sick. (HR me, I don’t care). You sit safely at home without any risk to life and limb.

Manning was looking for his time in the media — he’s got it — I have zero sympathy for him and zero respect for Wikileaks which values a scoop over consequences.