
Ambience - Brian Eno - LUX 1

lawhawk1/01/2013 6:54:07 pm PST

It’s all over but the whining. And the whirred peas. The GOP lost this round, but someone over there’s got to remember that they just got the Bush tax cuts and their extender made permanent on everyone but those making more than 400/450k. Not too shabby. Now, they’ll focus on the rest of it, and they’ll try again to impose massive cuts to the safety net by offsetting that versus the debt limit.

That’s the next battle, and that’s coming within the next two months.

We’ll be right back at this zero hour in two months time. Watch. The GOP will push it to the brink. They’ll make incoherent demands and think that they’ve got the upper hand, but all they’ll do is undermine the US credit rating and make things more expensive for local government.