
Pamela Geller: The Muslim Brotherhood Controls Every Agency of the US Government

Kruk2/10/2010 7:38:25 pm PST

re: #293 Vambo

…as opposed to the post-9/11 mentality, where everyone is out to kill us and we need to be scared at all times and hate anyone who isn’t from America.

Off the top of my head, people who are far more likely to kill than a terrorist.
-the people you share the roads with
-your husband or boyfriend, current or ex (Yes, I know women kill, but men have a massive lead on the domestic killing front.)
-Family member (How many ‘family destruction’ killings have seen in the last year?)
-Yourself (suicide in the short term, over eating/smoking/drinking in the long.)

But heck, let’s worry about the nasty bearded chaps and lose all proportion in how we respond to them instead.