
NAACP Passes Resolution Condemning Tea Party Racism

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/13/2010 8:15:08 pm PDT

re: #432 Slumbering Behemoth

My response to that person is either accept the American way of life, or pack your bags and take your happy ass on over to a Theocratic country. Assholes.

It looks like the Good People Republicans of Alabama like Theocracy:

Letters to the editor, Huntsville Times, Monday July 12

This letter is in response to Ward Welty’s letter “Out-Christian” condemning Byrne and Bentley for “pandering to Christian Voters.” You are so wrong on so many issues.

First, many people in Alabama, including myself, do believe that God is the supreme ruler thus believing in theocracy. Our entire country once believed this because our laws were designed by those laws handed down to Moses by God.

Secondly, the First Amendment to the Constitution does not say anything about the church and state being separate. In fact, the Establishment Clause you are trying to refer to out of context says that the state will not make any person believe in any one religion, like the Church of England was doing.


As far as your belief that “whether or not Bentley or Byrne is the better Christian is simply not a relevant question for Alabama voters,” you could not be more wrong. Just because you do not believe in what Christians believe in does not mean it is not important.

Jeffrey Lee Weaber
Hazel Green, 35750

Alabama’s Republicans have spoken.