
Literary Agent on Breitbart Bombshell: 'A Simple Mistake'

palomino5/17/2012 7:07:13 pm PDT

re: #431 ggt

I enjoyed listening to this interview today. I had wondered but never put into words what he is talking about below --off-white people. How is that going to work?

This relates to what motivates the repugnant expressions of racism and hate found in the Fox comments sections.

There is a perception among conservative whites that the federal govt. essentially takes huge amounts of hard earned white people money and gives it to lazy minorities in the form of welfare. Thus some whites are filled with resentment, as they are under the mistaken impression that our financial woes are the result of minorities “stealing” from real Americans. And these whites are also susceptible to the misconception that welfare spending has skyrocketed because Obama wants to assist idle, shiftless minorities to the detriment of the whites he allegedly hates. It’s all bullshit of course, but over decades it has penetrated the conservative discourse to the extent that it’s now an article of faith therein.