
Video: Roland Martin on Birthers: 'They're Stupid'

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/22/2010 1:14:12 pm PDT

The part that burns the most is that it was a Democratic delegate for Hillary that started the meme. Now that I said that, it does not at all excuse the wingnuts one jot for taking it, running with it and turning it into a cult. However, it says something about how low the Hillary campaign would stoop by even opening this can of worms. There are very good reasons that politicians need to be sensative to playing racial politics and politics of exclusion. That has always been a thread - and a dark and terrible one in the American psyche.

People knew the consequences of pulling it out - the false delegitimization of someone based on racial fears. They did it anyway for their own game and really didn’t care about the “collateral damage” and it will be very hard to stuff that genie back in. It is a dark sign of the times that politicians have stooped so low as to do these things.

The fact that the GOP now is even openly saying “he has divided loyalties” should tell you everything you need to know. Has there ever been a president who was accused of being loyal to another nation? It is remarkably telling of course that this does only get pulled out for a black man. Ever since there has been an America there have been people who have despised any given president with passion. But, since up till now they were all white Christians, no one ever questioned if they were one of us.

I can not say how sick this makes me.