
Michele Bachmann in 2004: 'It's Part of Satan, I Think, to Say This is Gay'

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)7/13/2011 6:39:59 am PDT

re: #445 laZardo

In that last paragraph, you were using bureaucracy as a synonym for government bureaucracy.

You haven’t provided a natural market incentive for the single-payer insurance to refuse to cover very sick people. If we decide to fund it to the tune of $5 a person, then we’re not going to be able to treat anyone for anything. If we fund it appropriate to what everyone needs, everyone gets everything. If we fund it well, but not massively, then some people will have things denied when the cost/benefit analysis isn’t good. And that is a rational apportioning of resources, which, ironically, is what capitalism is supposed to do.