
Power Line's Hinderaker: Schools Should Be More Like Biker Bars

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)12/16/2012 9:54:28 am PST

re: #447 Targetpractice

No silver bullet here, never really is in the aftermath of such horrors.

The only piece of data that’s indisputably true is that when you have fewer guns, you have less gun violence. This isn’t the only truth, since Switzerland has large amounts of guns and low gun violence, but that’s because they also have very, very, very restrictive gun regulations. So, effectively, they have fewer guns just wandering around.

The problem with that is a solution of ‘get rid of the guns’ is not going to be even physically possible, let along politically. Regulations are probably going to be the only path, and it’ll require a reversal of the current momentum which is to allow guns into more and more and more public places.