
Now Clinton Begs Iran to Unclench

eon2/03/2009 3:48:51 pm PST

re: #389 screaming_eagle

The One is on CBS is bullshit is covering the whole screen and I can’t even see him anymore.

They’re running a taped interview with him on NBC News right now.

The sound coming out of my furnace blower is more coherent.

“I screwed up” (Did. You. Ever.)

“We have lots of outstanding people” (Example; Chu at Energy-an AGW “advocate”. Right.)

“This was a personal embarrassment for me” (Correct-a-mundo, Barry!)

“Our people are ethical and experienced” (Like Tim Geithner? The only thing more embarrassing than The One putting him up is that my soon-to-be-retiring senator, Voinovich, voted to confirm the yutz.)

Why is it I have this feeling that if a big flash of light and a mushroom cloud suddenly marked the (former) site of an American city, The One would immediately issue a statement saying that “Our foreign policy has been broadly successful, but obviously some elements need some fine-tuning”?


