
Sarah Palin at the Iowa GOP Ronald Reagan Dinner

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/17/2010 9:29:23 pm PDT

More on the Esther-complex, from the 2008 campaign:

Sarah Palin, anointed by God

If you need a good reason to vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin in November, here it is: “Sarah is that standard God has raised up to stop the flood. She has the anointing … Back in the 1980s, I sensed that Israel’s little-known Benjamin Netanyahu was chosen by God for an important end-time role. I still believe that. I now have that same sense about Sarah Palin.”

That’s a quote from an e-mail that’s now circulating in the evangelical community; a friend passed it on to me. As best as I can tell, the text of the e-mail was originally written by Jim Bramlett, an author and former vice president with the Christian Broadcasting Network. (You can read more about him in this WorldNetDaily article about his claim that he’s obtained recordings of angels singing.)

This e-mail isn’t the only instance of Palin being seen this way. Sarah Posner, who has an interesting article about Palin’s time as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, in Salon today, previously wrote about this phenomenon on TAPPED: “Many evangelicals are talking about Palin being like the biblical Queen Esther, who saved the Jews from the genocidal Haman, and believe that Palin has come, like Esther did, ‘for a time such as this.’ (The same narrative built around George W. Bush when he was running.)”


Sarah Palin is the socon/theocracy movement made flesh.