
Gaffney's Sekrit Mozlem Prezdent Theory

iceweasel6/09/2009 12:08:20 pm PDT

Here you go: Max Blumenthal is the filmmaker, this was filmed the eve before the Cairo speech, here is the original post and video and his commentary:

On the eve of President Barack Obama’s address to the Muslim world from Cairo, Egypt, I stepped out onto the streets of Jerusalem with my friend Joseph Dana to interview young Israelis and American Jews about their reaction to the speech. We encountered rowdy groups of beer sodden twenty-somethings, many from the United States, and all eager to vent their visceral, even violent hatred of Barack Obama and his policies towards Israel.

Joesph Dana says

Most of the people that we talked to were dual American Israeli citizens. The answers in this video reflect the education and worrisome perspectives that many American Jews harbor towards Israeli politics.

Anyway, there’s much more at the link. This has been floating around the lib blogosphere since the Cairo speech.