
50 Scientific Societies Sign Letter to Texas Board of Education

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/26/2009 2:12:47 pm PDT

So I’m reading the Houston Chron blog.. and what strikes me is that this SBOE meeting is nothing more than a kangaroo court convened to hang Charles Darwin and the whole idea of speciation.

The board though obviously is feeling quite encouraged by their efforts, for now they are going after geology and astronomy. From the blog:

[…] the first one she wants is to strike the current standard for the Big Bang and remove the 14 billion year old age from it. She is promoting a Young Earth Creationist view, of course. Many times in the past the SBOE has changed standards that mention millions and billions of years to simple “a long time ago.” She wants to substitute a standard from Astronomy that simply adds, “add current theories of the evolution of the universe including estimates for the age of the universe” to the Big Bang standard 4A. Cargill’s amendment to strip a very ancient number of years one that is equivocal about the age of the universe passed 11-3 […]

Scientific knowledge has peaked in America… it’s downhill from here on.