
No More War

zombie5/15/2009 10:06:51 pm PDT
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration’s new drug czar says he wants to banish the idea that the U.S. is fighting “a war on drugs,” a move that would underscore a shift favoring treatment over incarceration in trying to reduce illicit drug use.

Notice the bolded word: “illicit.”

The new policy will be to encourage drug use. They only want to decrease “illicit” drug use, simply by no longer calling drug use illicit.

You will never convince me that the goal of the legalizers like Obama is to actually decrease the amount of drugs consumed, by being “more compassionate” toward addicts. The goal is in fact to allow the free and unhindered consumption of drugs.

The new “drug czar” is a czar the way that Gorbachev was a Soviet Premiere: in both cases, their actual goal was/is to oversee the dismantlement of the organization they were chosen to lead.

I’m going to become a building demolition expert and rename myself “Pat The Structural Integrity Czar.”