
We Got Mail!

ShanghaiEd5/23/2009 10:24:27 pm PDT

re: #399 realwest

Hi juante! Ya know I’ll never understand guys like Donohue AT ALL. He would at least appear to be too intelligent to believe in his own crap, much less try to pass it off on all of us. So why does he even try?

I was surprised, years ago, when I found out that “apologist” was not a pejorative term among theologians. An apologist is someone who “defends the faith against objections, and points out the perceived weaknesses of other world views.”

Apparently Donohue views himself as a balls-to-the-wall apologist, ninja cheerleader for the faith, and has never seen a shade of gray between himself and his “enemies.” I would like to think that, at some level, Donohue and his political equivalents realize the strangling effect these blinders have on their souls and intellects, but I don’t see much evidence of it.