
Video: Monkeynomics

Targetpractice8/03/2010 6:56:40 pm PDT

re: #438 windsagio

Fair enough. But people get so damn aggressive/defensive (or both :p)

Its impossible to have a reasonable discussion on the matter without dissolving into insults and insinuations.

Again, you have to take into consideration that you’re not the first to come here and take issue with Israel’s actions or the support of those actions. Especially back in the ol’ days, we had many trolls who would sit here for hours and meet even the most detailed, unbiased arguments in Israel’s favor with accusations that we were all “racists,” “Zionists,” “Nazis,” and so forth. They could not be debated in a civil manner, could offer nothing beyond well-used talking points, and would stoop to personal attacks when pressed to back up their arguments.

I’m not trying to make excuses, I’m trying to point out that the LGF of today and the LGF of 6 years ago are as culturally divided as the modern era and the Wild West.