
Gingrich Approves of South Carolina's Decision To Fly Confederate Flag At Capital

SanFranciscoZionist12/24/2011 12:30:23 pm PST

Meanwhile, California politicians were shooting re: #45 Shiplord Kirel

Newt has more than a passing interest in this. He wrote a whole series of alternate histories of the Civil War:

*Spoilers alert, in the unlikely event any of you want to rush out and buy Newt’s books*

Gettysburg: A Novel of the Civil War

Grant Comes East

Never Call Retreat: Lee and Grant: The Final Victory
This is too involved for the full synopsis here but ends with the final showdown between Lee and Grant, and, as in the real world, the defeat of the Confederacy.

“Bring The Jubilee” is excellent altfic. Also, it’s science fiction, and not much obsessed with battleground details. Is Newt’s stuff readable?