
Israel's Fiendish Plot

Mad Prophet Ludwig6/02/2010 7:42:35 pm PDT

re: #455 ryannon

They’ve got an incredible propaganda machine all oiled up and ready to go. Just take a look at the names and professions on their website.

So they would make very good fish food if they run the flotilla. This is not a game and it is not just about PR. They are actively trying to support a genocidal organization against the Jewish people. They are not being forced to ride these boats. There are consequences for defying military in a war zone. If this were the US navy, no one would try such a stunt. Sink the bastards, if they ignore warnings and demands, let them drown and then this all stops.

It really does not matter what the PR fall out is. Israel will never ever get a fair shake. This is an act of war. So be it. There are consequences and the left needs to earn that the consequences are proportional to the genocide they would enable. Fuck them.

While we are at it, Israel can announce that since the commandos were so mistreated last time, they will not play nice. There is a perfect answer PR wise.