
Von Brunn: Leftist?

thequis6/12/2009 12:42:52 pm PDT

First off I agree with the first couple of posters who expressed Hate is Hate no matter what side of the Left or Right Spectrum they may belong to.

Lets take a look at Leftism and Rightism as it relates to Jewish people and Israel. Okay in order to create a little clarity I will have to make some statements that we all can understand are OVER GENERALIZATIONS. I do want to say this though, neither side is Anti-Semitic as a whole and the rhetoric on either side at some point has to calm itself down.

A simplistic analogy to the Left/Right Jewish situation is to look at the way it relates to the OLD southern North South feelings towards the American Negro (I’m American Negro, so I’m using the term, deal with it). Historically The North was very much in support of the American Negro as a whole wanting to grant freedom from slavery and rights of equality. Of course the Southern power structure, being the direct beneficiary of slavery, was against if for good economic reasons. But the attitudes of the people were very different on an individual basis than they were to the groups as a whole. In the south where many White individual were greatly socialized with Negros, and in many cases were RAISED by them, they were more sympathetic on a case by case basis. They may not give a damn about the plight of the American Negro, but Black Jim from down the block is alright. The converse being true with the north. In the North, they really wanted to help black people out as a block, but they absolutely didn’t want them moving into the neighborhoods.

Politically speaking the Left has been very supportive of Jewish People and their freedom to practice their religion as they see fit. Where as they haven’t been as staunchly supportive with regards to the United States protection of the Jewish State of Israel. The Right (NEO CONS, the Peleocons have a whole other view) tends to strongly and forcefully defend the Jewish State of Israel (in some cases because the old axiom, the enemy of my enemy is my friend). But in practice some on the right are a bit more intolerant of Jewish Individuals because of their “Differentness” (religions and customs, some of crazies on both sides still hold the whole Jesus debacle 2000 years ago against them).

If you look at the way election results shake you some of this bears out. President Bush is infinitely more popular in Israel than he is anywhere else on the globe (okay, Many African Nations with his assistance in fighting AIDS would probably rate pretty high up there as well). Bush could have very well run for and won on a landslide a Third Term if Israelis were voting. But Jewish Americans OVERWHELMINGLY vote democratic and support Obama.

Let me state one last time. TONS of OVER GENERALIZATIONS, but hopefully it is illustrative of the point.