
An Intense New Jam From Fantastic Negrito: "Plastic Hamburgers"

Belafon3/25/2018 7:53:52 pm PDT

From a conservative woman who marched in DC yesterday for gun reform:

“The narrative has resulted in most people thinking that generally speaking Conservative are aligned with the NRA,” Jill Hoffman said. “In my experience, most Conservatives are not aligned with the NRA. But the NRA speaks for all Conservatives, and that is just not what we need to represent. The NRA is not a good actor. They are deceptive. They are a 501.C4 organization, and they should have limitations on how much they could lobby for their tax status. They clearly have much more influence than a 501.C4 organization should have. And I think that Conservatives like myself believe that this is an issue where there is a lot more common ground than not. And we need to be the ones speaking up and neutralize the NRA’s influence.”