
Neo-Confederate History Lessons for Kids

wrenchwench7/12/2010 12:27:10 pm PDT

The website that publishes Mr. Golden’s work also published a biography of Nathan Bedford Forrest, which includes this information:

After the Civil War, Forrest lent his name to a group of enforcers of the Democratic Party known as the Ku Klux Klan. Disenchanted with the activities of the group he ordered it to disband in 1869, which did not happen. The Klan and Forrest went separate ways but the stigma of his days as slave trader, the Fort Pillow incident and his brief association with the Klan would forever raise questions about one of America’s greatest tactical minds.

The essay CapeCoddah reproduced for us here ends with this suggestion:

For a Northern Perspective on why the Civil War was fought, see Causes of the Civil War

That would imply the essay was intended as a “southern perspective” rather than “… actual recorded historical fact.”