
AP: Steve Jobs Resigning from Apple

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin8/24/2011 11:16:01 pm PDT

re: #455 Dark_Falcon

Yeah, well Libya was Sarkozy’s brainchild and France did more there than we did.[/quote]

To the consternation of cons everywhere e_e

[quote] Whatever Libya has been, it hasn’t been a “wingnut war”.

Every war the blood-insatiable cons have gotten us into since the end of WW2 has been against countries that have not attacked us. So if we’re seen as being belligerent, there’s reason for it.

Cons may label me any of their dumb, filthy epithets, because I refuse to join in with their mindless flagwaving for the death of others. But at least I can say I was against both Afghanistan and Iraq, including Iraq 1. I wasn’t all that thrilled about Bosnia, either.

Now, look at the Republicans re: Afghanistan and Iraq, sounding worse than Cindy Sheehan at an ANSWER Coalition rally. Totally absurd.