
Jindal on 60 Minutes

unclassifiable3/02/2009 6:01:35 pm PST




The GOP has allowed themselves to get distracted on some petty and destructive tangents. Part of this is self inflicted. Part of this is allowing the left to define us.

First and foremost we have to understand that everything we stand for is based on the frailty fo the human character. Liberals would have you believe that humans can be perfected. That given enough training, indoctrination, guidance, education, self-reflection, etc. that it is possible to build perfect human being and, ergo, a perfect society. The first and foremost thing we as conservatives need to point out is how much fallacy there is in this belief.

Now the left is going to say that we have constructed a straw man but how else does one explain their continual insistence on the concentration of power and collectivism. Inevitably there has to be a belief that the people to which power is concentrated, by there education, upbringing, titles, or whatever are infallible.

The next fall back position of the left will be to say, well they are not infallible — mistakes will be made…

Well if that is the case then why do we want those mistakes to impact everyone. If the government owns banking through nationalization, one mistake in a governing board sinks all banking. Same with health care. Same with the auto industry.

What we need to get back to is the idea that humans are fallible, and , therefore, it is best, in as many ways as possible to allow a plurality of approaches. This is best afforded by, free market capitalism, a pluralistic democratic republic, and the assurance of inalienable rights as delineated in the Constitution — especially the Bill of Rights.

Our aim should not be to return to a past status simply because it agrees with the conditions at the founding or some past period of timed deemed desirable. Our aim should be to use our collective liberty to deal with the here and now and the future.