
Von Brunn: Leftist?

lostlakehiker6/12/2009 12:51:26 pm PDT

Brunn shares almost nothing of the worldview or desires of conservatives, if by conservative, you mean the likes of George Will, Jonah Goldberg, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, or Milton Friedman.

Two of these are/were ethnically jewish, at least two are Catholic, one is black. In otherwords, every last one of them is on the hate list of Brunn, sometimes for more than one reason.

Conservatives favor free trade. The BNP is against it, and you can be sure Brunn was against it too.

Conservatives favor equal rights for all. Brunn got off that train when it came to the right to life.

Conservatives favor a limited State. While opinions differ among conservatives as to the merits of gay marriage, it is a logical consequence of central conservative premises that the state should not put any barrier in the way of interracial marriage.

Unless you’re going to redefine “conservative” to mean “neonazi”, there just isn’t anything besides being mammalian that conservatives and Brunn have in common.

This is not to say that he’s a leftist. He’s so far outside the orbit of political opinion in the U.S. that the only way to categorize him is as a psychopathic wannabe killer who just graduated to actual killer and thereby graduated from somebody who deserved shunning, to somebody who deservedly got shot and who should now face the death penalty.