
Overnight Open Thread

Hengineer3/09/2010 7:39:59 am PST

re: #458 Dragon_Lady

My furrballs (all 3 of them) have a lovely large enclosed courtyard that they are let out into on a regular basis, but they have a nasty habit of wanting to jump the fence to go on french leave so I have to trail around behind them. I usually let them out for about 30 to 45 minutes every day and they can be quite annoying when they think I should be letting them out. Especially the Maine Coon, our sweet ring lIts feader. You have heard if the expression “herding cats” I assume? I do it on a regular basis!

Its fairly easy to herd them when you’re carrying a can of tuna or canned cat food. Just tap the lid (assuming they know the sound) and they will come running right to you.