
Image: A Planet of Another Star

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)6/10/2010 5:54:06 pm PDT

re: #454 researchok

In the UK, utilization of the Beth Din is optional. The Muslim community wishes to make utilization of Sharia mandatory for Muslims

This should be illegal, and never allowed.

The issue of Sharia Courts in Britain are many, not the least if which is who will control the courts. There is infighting between the moderates and the more stringent communities as well as the Arab and Pakistani communities, for example.

Multiple versions would appear to me to be the simplest answer to that. BUt if they want enforcement, they want something that’s independent of the main law, which should not be allowed.

Each group want the the government to bless their efforts.

I think arbitration law is simpler here in the US. Anyone can agree on an independent arbitrator. Constitutional rules must still be followed. With the exception of automatic arbitration being a requirement in employment contracts, which I think is unfair, the system works pretty well.