
Video: DeNuke Iran

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/18/2009 4:32:08 pm PDT

For those of you who think the plowed-ground of the “right wing” is not fertile ground for the Paulians/Birchers/neo-confederates, let’s look at todays HotAir topic comments from GOP starting to panic over disadvantage among Latinos thread:

Time for a day without whites, then a week, then a few weeks.

JiangxiDad on May 18, 2009 at 5:25 PM


Another thing that should be mentioned is that Blacks often live with Latinos in enclaves and a “groupthink” phenomenon occurred with the election of BO–particularly in the dense inner cities and metro areas….

Feedie upthread, good point…how’s that pandering work out for McCain?

RepubChica on May 18, 2009 at 5:25 PM


Tea parties, then sick-outs. Close down America.

JiangxiDad on May 18, 2009 at 5:43 PM


The Hispanics as a block will never vote conservative. Those who think that if we only “educated” them about American conservatism they would began to vote conservative are fooling themselves. The Hispanics are foreigners. They do not care about our Constitution, and they do not care about preserving America as it has been traditionally understood. They want their handouts, they want the power of their ethnic minority status given to them under liberalism. This will not change.

The Republicans and mainstream conservatives need to face reality: white Americans are the only people who care about preserving what’s left of traditional American and restoring it to its former glory when it was more of a Constitutional Republic, as the Founders intended it to be. Look at the tea parties. Look at the Glenn Beck television show audience specials. They were almost predominately populated by white people. Because they are the only ones who care. The conservative “assimilation” experiment has failed.

If you want to save the Republic, you need to stop the current demographic trends. Immigration needs to be curtailed. At least for a time. Because the farther the white population in America falls, the less likely it will be that America will recover.

2Brave2Bscared on May 18, 2009 at 7:04 PM

And so on.

It is quite the mix of comments, some seem racist, other commenters over there are noticing that and trying to stop it, but that HotAir seems to think it needs to encourage the racists says much.