
Ambassador Stevens's Family: Hillary Clinton Is Not to Blame for Benghazi

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam6/28/2016 9:35:56 pm PDT

re: #39 HappyWarrior

Stupid question here but how exactly did CCJ get his start anyhow? Who the hell thought it was a great idea to give a moron like this any sort of cred? I mean Shapiro’s a pathetic hack too but at least Ben can point to his academic background and the fact he has a JD.

He was bright kid who went to a good school in Boston, got a gig as a researcher for Alan Dershowitz, went to a good college (Claremont-McKenna), broke one scoop as a college blogger that netted him a right-wing journalism award, and internships at the WSJ and the NY Sun. He managed to parlay that thin resume into short-lived gigs at Breitbart and The Daily Caller, and appearances as a RWNJ pundit. By now, though, most of his fellow RWNJs realize he’s several fries short of a Happy Meal, and avoid him.