
An Orwellian Discovery Institute Press Release

hazzyday3/26/2009 3:41:27 pm PDT

re: #16 slamo

Hi, Charles. AT the risk of appearing/sounding uneducated I think this creationism v evolution thing going on is just a manifestation (or reaction to) of the global (think muslim) religious fanaticism….it’s just home grown fanaticism. Like some Demos in the far left support Nambla, we in the Republicans have creationists on our side.
The greater evil must be destroyed. And although I hate the illogic of it, don’t you think we need some space between “kicking them to the curb” to just “pushing them to the back”? God knows some people just aren’t scientific but they still can vote.

Please look back at your posts. I think you are being side tracked by this topic.

Just my 2 cents in Louisiana

First: Lead with how old you think the earth is to qualify your position.
Second: you equate Creationists with Pedophiles? I suppose the logic could be similar when trying to dissuade either. But I would kick voting Pedophiles of the nambla type to the curb across the street. Please look back at your post and see how you sidetracked yourself.