
No Nazi Imagery?

garycooper9/13/2009 2:47:55 pm PDT

re: #31 buzzsawmonkey

Sticking a cut-out portrait of whomever you want to snark at on top of a Nazi torso, or pasting on a little black Hitler-mustache smear on whoever you want to excoriate is cheap collage.

It’s not political commentary in any serious way—it’s collage that’s used in place of any kind of genuine political commentary. See my #16 above for a larger exposition of this. The cheap-collage substitute of paste-on swastikas or Hitler mustaches or SS uniforms for any vestige of thought was shallow and stupid when the Left did it, and it is shallow and stupid when the Right does it.

It’s also Godwin’s Law in action, but nobody seems to care about that law anymore. I thought it was a good law.