
Lizard Interview Ripples Across Intarwebs

Killgore Trout11/12/2009 6:47:28 pm PST

I’ll be the first to shit in the punchbowl: I distrust our new “friends” as much as I distrust our old ones. Andrew “Palin’s Baby-gate” Sullivan gives the hat tip to the far left Mother Jones. I gave Sullivan a second look for his excellent coverage of the Iran uprising but quickly stopped linking to him because he kept mixing in addle brained and pointless diatribes against neocons and realistic foreign policy. His blog might throw a decent bit of traffic but he’s just as classless as Markos “Screw them” Zungia with the addition of stupid and easily debunked conspiracy theories.
/…and I’m not even feeling cantankerous tonight, just politically homeless.