
Gun-Crazed Wingnuts File New Petition: Prosecute Sen. Feinstein for "Treason to the Constitution"

stabby12/28/2012 12:23:49 pm PST

The right wing are starting to remind me of the radicals from the 60’s, all emotionalism, theater, posturing… They’re like rowdies at a rally, not serious people…

Which is odd. The kids in the 60’s were like that because they were young, out of power, not experienced, feeling helpless, more interested in looking cool than accomplishing anything (so they could get laid) …

Note that a lot of the above is missing from the right wing nuts.

One of the (usually abused) moderates at PJMedia noticed the abuse the other day and said something like “Everyone is a radical now. We’re all following Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’”

I almost answered “Except the Democrats”