
Sunday Night Open

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/03/2013 8:09:39 pm PST

Speaking of the circular firing squad, in case you’ve all missed it, Bill O’ is in trouble with the literalists:

Bill O’Reilly Compares His Bible Believing Christian Critics To Jihadists?

WND’s take:

Bill O’Reilly: The Bible contradicts itself

However, what stands out to me is this part in the News Hound article:

…. Last week, Bill interviewed the producers of the History Channel’s “The Bible.” Given that Bill once claimed that he was a creationist and said that “Judeo-Christian myth is not a myth,” his comments to his guests were shocking. After they expressed belief in a literal interpretation of Genesis, he opined that the Bible is allegorical. (Talk about evolution!) Not surprisingly, he got blowback from bible literalists whom he took to task in a subsequent “Tip” segment during which he - ready for it - preached about not being judgmental. Looks like O’Reilly can give it - but he can’t take it!

That’s right, the “History” channel is running religious doctrine as history on their channel.

This new series called The Bible has been pushed heavily.

The History Channel has discovered that doing actually history is not profitable. So they turn to aliens, Nazis, and religious instruction to fill their broadcasts with something that will sell.

This is America, 2013.