
Obama's Picks for EPA and DOE Drive the Right Into a Frenzy

Kragar3/05/2013 1:51:50 pm PST

Utah Republican: Can’t punish cockfighting because abortion is legal

“In a state where we can still allow people to kill their babies, we want to make it a felony to let chickens fight — the purpose for which they were raised,” Sen. Allen Christensen said. “It’s not beautiful, it’s not wonderful or any such thing.”

Organizing a cockfight in Utah is currently a class A misdemeanor. Proponents of the bill noted that cockfighting is a felony in Utah’s neighboring states and the lesser penalties could make Utah attractive to fans of the fights.

“Do we really want to make it a felony and go to prison [because] two chickens were bred — which naturally want to do this thing in their lives — and we’re going to send their owners to prison for this?” Christensen added. “Yet we allow people to go ahead and murder their unborn babies? I vote no.”

Go eat a bag of dicks, you malignant turd.