
At Rand Paul's African-American Outreach Event: A Roomful of White People

ObserverArt12/10/2013 9:03:48 am PST

re: #459 FemNaziBitch

Still, the point was that the Gun Industry is using the Constitution for profit, not to ensure civil rights. They have a propaganda machine that is really a marketing machine called THE NRA.

I wholeheartedly agree. The real dynamic is playing the threat of Obama against the Constitution with a bunch of fools that in my opinion have interpreted the Constitution in a manner the forefathers would probably be aghast to find. The NRA is the carnival barker in the middle and the gun manufacturers go about their merry way.

What I’d like to understand is what do any of the gun makers think when they hear a report about an Aurora Colorado or a Sandy Hook Connecticut. Does it hit them in a human way or is it all business?

This is just my opinion, but I could not own, operate or own stock in a gun company or sell guns, etc. It would give me the chills.