
Frank: 'Like Arguing with a Dining Room Table'

Locker8/19/2009 10:18:15 am PDT

re: #322 Walter L. Newton

Working as a government contractor isn’t being part of the Federal Workforce, but it’s the same in almost everything but name.

I was a contractor for the DOE, working at the National Renewable Energy Lab. We followed all rules, dictates, regulations, processes, procedures, you name it. Every aspect of operations was dictated by the Federal government and mimic all the other Federal agencies operations.

It would be the same with private doctors. They would not be officially employed by the Federal government, but they would be under their rules and regulations in toto.

And of course, we know who well medicare and medicaid works now, why would this new burden on the government (and us taxpayers) be any better?

It a difference in a few words, that’s all.

I respectfully disagree with your “would be”s. Medicare works great it just needs to be funded. People really like it. Remember, this is about health care and most people that ARE interested in helping people aren’t really going to be swayed by the money, waste, government is evil argument and I’ll tell you why.

The equivalent of “waste” in government is “profit” in private industry. Yes, there is waste in government, there are individuals who are lazy. But the entire system doesn’t exist and rabidly strive to provide the least amount of health care for the most amount of profits.

This is the case with insurance companies. I would MUCH rather trust my health care and the health care of my children etc to a system whole stated goal is to help not make money. Motivation is very, very important to me.

I have thought about this a great deal. The arguments regarding “what’s next? when does it stop” are not dismissed in my mind. I worry about it, seriously. Regardless of how you may label me I like and enjoy regulated capitalism and I don’t want government involvement to “go to far” etc.

The fire department example is what I always come back to with regard to health care. If I have a fire and call 911 I don’t want my balance sheet checked before they decide to even put the fire out and I don’t want to have to declare bankruptcy to pay for the fire trucks, etc. I want fire fighters focused on the fire and I want health care focused on health, not on money.

Yes, I’m willing to pay for it. I know lots and lots of you are not and I completely respect your feelings. I feel the same way about faith based initiatives. That’s the good and the hard about a nation, compromise.