
Midday Open Thread

Randall Gross1/11/2010 6:07:24 pm PST

re: #445 windsagio

heh I’m starting to think that we’re hitting an insoluble problem (and note I don’t agree with you totally :p)

People are reacting to a stereotype of the ‘all organic foods homeopath hippie’ and not any specific arguments in this thread >

Precisely because that mosh pit is what has been proposed. We’ve wandered all over the map in this discussion just trying to get to “what”, but K is not providing a what but rather a spectrum of unknowns that cause her to leap to wild assumptions. Again, the crime rates have gone pretty consistently down, including the sex crimes she mentioned, and the age of puberty has been normed with better data than the one study in the UK in the sixties. The premises she started from to make her wild assertions were wrong from the start.
There is a sane manner to make these arguments.

E.G. We know that some pesticides can change sex in frogs when they get caught in the runoff, just as naturally occurring PH imbalances can.