
Volcano Monitors Unite!

Gretchen2/25/2009 8:40:40 pm PST

Here’s an interesting article:

The most surprising part is that the article claims that 2/3rds of Americans want creationism taught along side evolution. So claims that this radical pro-Creationist view is going to put off voters isn’t correct. I’d be willing to bet the remaining 33% wouldn’t vote for a Republican if Obama put an (R) after his name.

This might be an issue lots of LGFers are interested in this topic, but at the end of the day if Jindal ran against Obama, Biden, Kerry, Gore or Hillary who would you vote for? I think it is a bit extreme - but then again I think making mentioning creationism by teachers off limits is extreme given the amount of PC crap and distortions kids are taught every day.