
Times Editorial: The Incredible Shrinking Elephant

ladycatnip5/04/2009 1:39:26 pm PDT

#468 Joel

I have sub taught hundreds of times in the school system (in order to make extra money) and I never saw any religion being taught in school. Correction - actually as a matter of fact the only religion I saw was the worship of Obama ‘s “greatness” (and that is the truth), which is almost akin to the worship of Kim Jong-Il in North Korea.

I find Obama worship a far greater threat to the minds of young people than being taught a unit on ID. Leftist peer pressure to walk in political lock-step is more dangerous and more powerful to young minds.

We can trust the ACLU to file a multitude of lawsuits, and they will win every one of them for the separation issue - especially if the O has his way with appointing SCOTUS’. ID will die a slow but sure death in public high schools in LA and TX. One thing you can take to the bank - it’ll never be taught here in CA. ;-)