
Matthews to Bachmann: 'Are You Hypnotized?'

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/03/2010 4:52:50 pm PDT

re: #344 Gus 802

Gus, very seriously, this is a place where your talents will be especially useful.

I mostly deal with the science of AGW and whacking the denier arguments that get the most press. I know a fair bit of the history of the various players in teh denier movement - but a full look inot the political end of it is not something I have researched enough.

I know for a fact that during the Reagan years, conservatives took the issue seriously enough to at least say something needed to be done by someone some time.

It would be incredibly useful for someone with the web fu you have to start compiling things on that angle. It would also be good to seriously research the Koch brothers, the Heritage foundation and all the connections of the late, unlamented Fred Steitz, including the lunatic Art Robinson from Oregon. It looks like Robinson didn’t win thank God.

You have great skill in turning leaves over. I would beg you to do so!