
Laura Bush: Please Come Down From the Ledge

Charles Johnson9/07/2009 10:47:34 pm PDT

Ooh, someone doesn’t like me at Marc Cooper’s site:

LGF has basically gone from dishonestly focusing on extreme nutbars on the left as if they are representative of most liberals to dishonestly focusing on focusing on extreme nutbars on the right to smear conservatives, using the usual rhetoric about “taints”, guilt by association and “not doing enough to distance yourself from them”. It’s tedious either way and attempts to substitute ritualised shunning as a substitute for debate.

Charles Johnson is only a “centrist” in the sense that the people he is prepared to respectfully disagree with inhabit the region plus or minus 5% from the middle of the ideological spectrum. Everyone else is an “extremist” whose opinions are beyond the pale and should not be dignified with a response etc etc. How boring. This is why meaningful political debates no longer happen.