
President Obama: The YouTube Interview

simoom2/01/2010 11:09:21 pm PST

re: #387 Dark_Falcon

Sane minded conservatives.

Corrected to remove liberal spin.

Though oddly that “sanity” only manifested after President Obama assumed office. Before then the exact same people who are currently terrifying Americans (with dark fantasies of terrorists kidnapping children near trials; defendants being released into the US or somehow escaping; and massive retaliatory strikes) were singing the praises of near identical trials and incarcerations.

It could almost make you believe they’re demagoguing the issue purely for political gain…

Youtube Video

An obvious example is now frequent critic of the federal trials, Rudy Giuliani. Here he is on the Zacarias Moussaoui trial, in 2006:

“… I was in awe of our system,” the former mayor continued. “It does demonstrate that we can give people a fair trial, that we are exactly what we say we are. We are a nation of law… . I think he’s going to be a symbol of American justice.”


But the former mayor added: “If you believe in this system, you have to be willing to agree with conclusions that you would not share.

“The greater value I think would have been if he was executed. But the greater value is demonstrating what America is like.

“America won tonight,” he said, arguing that the United States had upheld the worth of its legal system in the eyes of the world.