
Tea Party Leader Supported Racist Image of Obama

TedStriker9/13/2009 2:47:58 pm PDT

re: #440 avanti

I agree, but go to most any other conservative sites and you’ll see the same signs posted with positive comments, and talk of crowds larger than the inaugural.
Only a handful of conservative sites are rational as of today.
Maybe O’reily will condemn those as hate sites just as he did with those on the left when they went over the #443 PSGInfinity

Happily. One side of this Civil War wishes to destroy Judaism, Christianity, Western Civilization, America and Israel. The other side seeks to prevent this.
(That would be the Left and the Right, respectively)


Man, this pile of cognitive dissonant crap you just threw up here is making me laugh! You’re telling us that the Right-Wing Truth and Righteousness Brigade (that you’re apparently a part of) is the only ones standing between us and ruin brought on by Obama and his minions?


/why do I hear a cuckoo bird in your general direction?