
About That Humanitarian Cargo

Cato the Elder6/01/2010 6:29:24 pm PDT

re: #430 drcordell

You are shocked that third-world politics may be completely corrupt and managed by forces outside the control of the average citizen? Really? You can’t wrap your head around the fact that Arafat was not acting for anyone’s interest but his own and those of his benefactors?

That, of course, is why he is so unpopular now that he’s dead. Why, I bet you won’t find a single picture of him in a home or business, from Nablus to Hebron.

re: #437 drcordell

Let me guess, you are SHOCKED, JUST SHOCKED, that the Somalis keep letting those crazed warlords take control of their country! Why don’t they just put a nice guy in power for once!

Warlords are not elected. Hamas was.