
Politicians Reach Deal to Mortgage America's Future

Sharmuta2/06/2009 6:25:59 pm PST

As if this joyous news was not enough:

Obama considering Iraq withdrawal options

The White House is considering at least two troop withdrawal options as it weighs a new Iraq strategy — one that would preserve President Barack Obama’s campaign pledge to get all combat brigades out within 16 months and a second that would stretch it to 23 months, two officials said Friday.

A third, in-between option of 19 months is also being weighed, according to the officials, neither of whom would discuss the sensitive topic without being granted anonymity. One of the officials said the main focus appears to be on the 16-month and 23-month options; 23 months would run to the end of 2010.

0bama hates the Iraqis.