
Laszlo: Bohemian Groove

(I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)11/26/2011 4:11:19 am PST

Oh, for fuck’s sake:

re: #473 Obdicut

In your opinion.

No, not just. There just is no credible counter theory.

As opposed to the solitary research of a person who was trying to prove a particular theory of his own, the research of which showed, amazingly, his theory was right.

Shearer is a woman.

Why are you certain you do?

What’s the point of that question?

Things that require context in order to properly enjoy or be intrigued by or ‘understand’ aren’t art, to me.

I never claimed anything about there being a “proper” way to enjoy things. If you want to enjoy things out-of-context, that’s fine by me. I don’t think that’s improper at all. Context doesn’t have to be and is not everything. But that doesn’t mean that context doesn’t matter.

You might as well, at that point, start calling a baseball player’s swing art or the way that someone trains their dog art.

One might, but why prohibit it? There is no ultimative rational prescription to art.

Okay, “running away” now.