
Jindal on Meet the Press

arcatan2/23/2009 2:17:15 pm PST

There are so many wrong ideas about life and reality we’re a long way from sorting them all out. There are so many stupid ideas that are in fact harmful, wasting your time battling creationism is at best misguided (unless you’re at war with Christianity). I’m an atheist yet I don’t believe in science, while it’s a valuable tool in many areas it fails in many areas too.

For example, up until the 1980’s, science taught that all life on earth was dependent on the energy of the sun. Then an deep sea underwater community was discovered and science had to modify its position. Sciencists (people whose religion is science) often respond that when science is wrong it admits it. But science needs absolute or at least compelling proof to admit it’s wrong, no different than religion.

There are still many problems with the idea of evolution, there is so much we still don’t know and that science is incapable of understanding any time soon. I had a discussion with a physics professor about gravity, in the end he agreed that it’s not very well understood by the experts. Even less understood is evolution - an idea I do believe in but am certain it’s not the whole explanation. Talk to some experts, if you know enough you’ll be able to get agreement that there are many gaping holes in the theory.

Before getting all knee-jerk on me you need to ask yourself: What is the harm in creationism? To teach that some people believe this shouldn’t be a problem - unless you’re anti-Christian.