
Tapscott: 'Cap and Traitor' Is Over the Line

LGoPs6/30/2009 3:19:01 pm PDT

re: #464 Picayune

Thanks, I was sure impressed by this “NO BS” Aussie Senator last week when I read the article. Perhaps there’s hope yet. Sure would like to see Senator Fielding rip a big new one in that slimy shill Krugman, and Paul’s just begging for it.

As for American sheep, hell, even the French (Pres Sarkozy “no more blue smurfs in FR” and calling out Iran on a stolen election/mass murder) and Germans have more apparent spine these days than the good ole US of A. Pitiful, ain’t it?

The result of 30+ years of dumbed down education and a leftist media culture has changed this country fundamentally. I only hope it’s not beyond repair.