
Colbert: Stevie Wonder to Congress: "Stop the Bull-Tish"; Mexican Newscaster Goes Off on Anti-Vaxxers

Nerdy Fish1/19/2022 12:52:59 pm PST

re: #46 Hecubaā€™s daughter

When did this 60 vote barrier become a thing? When I was young, except for a few (very few) filibusters, it took a simple majority to pass legislation. When did this radical change occur to obstruct basically almost all legislation? Was it simply the decision to replace a talking filibuster with anyone raising their hand and saying ā€œfilibusterā€ without a requirement to take any other action? Is that when this all started?

It became a barrier when it became mandatory for Republicans to oppose anything Democrats wanted to do because A Black Man Was President. If their irrational hatred of Obama hadnā€™t driven them to be completely reactionary and anti-democratic, we might not be having this conversation today.