
14th Amendment Under Attack in Arizona

Birth Control Works1/27/2011 5:36:24 pm PST

re: #39 marjoriemoon

This is why I’m actually frightened about the election of people like Paul and Bachmann. They’re morons. They hardly seem to know the laws of this land or how they work. I always believed in the idea of the “melting pot” America and I’ll go to my grave believing. I thought we all shared that, or certainly most of us. But with the teabaggers in positions of power (governors, too) it’s just getting freaking scary.

Melting Pot, I guess, means that the immigrants learn English and try to assimilate. Nevermind, that it isn’t until the 2nd or 3rd generation that the family is fully assimilated. By the 4th, they are reading books, going thru family pictures and records and trying to learn their geneology and the culture of their ancestors.